How to Integrate Pagseguro With Jotform?

December 7, 2023

PagSeguro is a disruptive provider of financial technology solutions focused primarily on Micro-Merchants, Small Companies, and Medium-Sized Companies, or SMEs, in Brazil. With a 100% online onboarding process, without paperwork, quick turnaround, and a high acceptance rate, PagSeguro offers access to their advanced digital payment processing and early payment of merchants’ installment receivables. They accept merchants who are either individuals or companies. 

PagSeguro Logo

PagSeguro is available as one of Jotform’s payment integrations, and with this integration, you can do the following:

  • Sell online products 
  • Sell merchandise 
  • Collect donations online
  • Accept custom payment
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Adding and Setting up PagSeguro in the Form

Create your form if you don’t have one yet, or edit your existing form where you want to integrate PagSeguro and follow the steps below.

  1. In the Form Builder, click the Add Form Element button on the upper-left corner of the page.
  2. Go to the Payments tab.
  3. Search or find PagSeguro, and click or drag/drop it to your form to add.
Jotform Form Builder with the PagSeguro payment element added in the form
  1. In the Payment Settings, set up the following:
    • E-Mail — Your registered PagSeguro Email.
    • Token — You can obtain the Token through the integration section of your PagSeguro account. Visit PagSeguro – Generate Token for the steps.
    • Currency — Brazilian Real (BRL) is locked as the only currency for the PagSeguro Integration.
    • Payment Type — Specify whether to process payments for products, user-defined amounts, or donations.
Payment Settings of the PagSeguro integration showing the boxes for the Email and Token


You can open the Payment Settings by clicking the Wand icon on the right side of the PagSeguro payment element.

Under the Additional Gateway Settings, you’ll find a few additional options, which include the following:

  • Customer Email Field — You must select an Email field on this dropdown.
  • Sandbox Mode — Toggle this to test PagSeguro. You will need a Sandbox account to get the Sandbox Token. Visit PagSeguro – Sandbox to create a test account. For the test cards, use PagSeguro – Test Cards.
Additional Gateway Settings of the PagSeguro Integration
  1. Finally, click the Continue button at the bottom to add your products. If you have chosen User Defined Amount or Collect Donation options, click the Save button to complete the integration.

See also:

Do you have any questions or suggestions about Jotform’s PagSeguro integration? Please post them in the comments below.

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