How to Transfer Your Forms and Data to Another Account

April 7, 2024

Whether you’re a small business owner, a project manager, or an individual who uses Jotform for personal use, there may come a time when you need to transfer your forms and data to another account. This guide will walk you through transferring your forms and data in Jotform, ensuring a smooth transition while maintaining the integrity of your data.

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Pro Tip

It’s not possible to move or transfer forms to and from HIPAA-enabled accounts due to security restrictions.

To transfer your forms and data to another account

  1. Log in to your Jotform account.
  2. Contact Support and request to move your forms.
  3. In your request, list the URL of your forms to transfer.
  4. Provide the username or email address of the account where you want to transfer your forms and data.
  5. Submit the ticket and wait.

A representative will review your request shortly after and let you know once the transfer is complete. If you would like to have additional users added to your account, check out Jotform Enterprise.

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