How to Create File Upload Forms

May 10, 2024

If you need to collect files on your forms, you can use the File Upload form element. File Upload can accept multiple files from your form fillers. There are also options to set your allowed file types and sizes.

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Files uploaded through File Upload take up upload space.

To use File Upload

  1. In the Form Builder, select Add Form Element in the upper-left corner.
A screenshot of Form Builder with arrow poiting to Add Form Elements
  1. In Form Elements, select File Upload.
A screenshot of Form Builder with an arrow pointing to the File Upload element
  1. Select your File Upload’s gear icon to open properties.
A screenshot of Form Builder with an arrow pointing to the File Upload element's gear icon
  1. In the properties panel on the right, go to Options at the top.
  2. Set your desired file size limit and allowed file types.
A screenshot of File Upload Properties in Form Builder highlighting the Options tab and Limit File Size and File Types options

See How to Change the Allowed File Types and Changing the File Upload Size Limit for more information.

File Upload can accept multiple file uploads by default. To limit the number of files accepted for each submission

  1. Open your File Upload’s properties.
  2. In the properties panel, go to Multiple at the top.
  3. Turn on Limit Number of Files and enter your allowed number of files.
A screenshot of File Upload Properties in Form Builder with steps to access the Limit Number of Files option

Aside from the File Upload form element, you can also use file upload widgets to accept file uploads on your forms. See How to Add a Widget to Your Form to learn more.

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