Import Data: Easily Import Your Excel or CSV Data Into Jotform

June 7, 2024

If you have a large dataset, importing it directly from Excel or CSV files ensures efficient bulk data entry. By importing data, you can save time and effort compared to manual data entry. Jotform’s Import Data streamlines this process, allowing you to quickly populate your table with existing information.


Imported entries via Import Data count as submissions, affecting your account’s monthly and total submission limits.

To import your Excel or CSV data

  1. Go to Import Data.
  2. Select Import Submissions Now at the bottom and authorize the app.
The Import Submission Now button in Jotform Import Data
  1. In the Form Picker dialog, choose a form, then select Continue.
The Jotform Import Data's Form Picker dialog
  1. Apply the template format from the import tool to your Excel or CSV file. See XLS and CSV Template Format for more information.
The Jotform Import Data's template format guide
  1. Once your file is ready, select Select Source File at the bottom and upload your XLS or CSV file.
  2. Select Import.
Steps to upload the source file in Jotform Import Data
  1. Wait for the import to finish. If all goes well, you should see the results at the bottom of the page.
The results section after importing data with Jotform Import Data

The imported entries should now appear in your Jotform Tables.

XLS and CSV Template Format

The template produced by Import Data is what your Excel or CSV file’s format should look like for the import to work. You must change your Excel or CSV file’s headings and lines to match the template’s format.

For example, here’s the data in the original Excel file:

An example of an Excel data file

Here’s the import template format from Import Data:

An import template format example

For the import to work, the original Excel or CSV file needs to match the import template’s column headings and data format:

An import ready Excel file sample for Jotform Import Data

For form elements with multiple fields like Full Name and Address, you need to combine the data into one column with commas.

See also: How to Import Data in Jotform Tables.

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