How to View Your Form Email Logs

May 22, 2024

Form email logs in Jotform are records of your forms’ email delivery status and other related information. They are stored on your Account History page. The email logs show detailed information about the emails, including timestamps, delivery status, recipients, and form IDs. This can be useful for troubleshooting email-related issues.

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To view your email logs

  1. Go to Account History to see your account’s activities.
  2. Open the date filter in the upper-right corner of the table, then choose your desired period in the date picker.
An arrow pointing to the date filter on the Account History page

You can either use the presets on the right or select custom dates using the calendar to access the email logs for the last five weeks.

  1. Next to the date filter, set the action filter to “Emails.”
An arrow pointing to the action filter, set to Email, on the Account History page

The table should now show the email logs from your forms. To view the details of an entry, select the new window icon.

The new window icon of an email log entry on the Account History page

From there, you can open Details in the upper-right corner to view more information about the email.

Email log details
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