How to Set Form Limits Based on a Unique Field

March 24, 2023

Unique Field is one of Jotform’s features that allows you to set limits based on an answer from a specific field. For example, accept unique email addresses or prevent someone from submitting the same data on a Short Text Entry element.

Currently, the Unique Field feature is available only for the following elements:

  • Email
  • Short Text Entry
  • Dropdown
  • Number

To accomplish that, please watch the video or follow the steps below:

Youtube Embed Poster: qP0toNhQ5f4
  1. In Form Builder, go to the Settings tab.
  2. Click the Show More Options button.
Form Settings of Jotform Form Builder showing the Show More Options button
  1. You will have to scroll down and look for the Unique Field option.
  2. Finally, please select the appropriate field from the dropdown, and that’s it!
Unique Field dropdown under the Form Settings of the Jotform Form Builder

So, how does this feature works? It’s simple! When someone submits your form with the same information from the selected Unique Field, they’ll get the following warning message.

A screenshot of the error message saying Sorry! Only one entry is allowed when Unique Field limit is enabled

You can customize the warning message if you want to. It’s also in the settings panel. Visit How to Change Form Warnings for more details.

Do you want to prevent multiple submissions from the same network or browser? You could do it by enabling the Unique Submission limit in the form. Visit How to Set Unique Submissions on a Form for more information.

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