How to Prepopulate Form Fields With Data From Other Tables

May 11, 2024

Jotform’s Tables Prefill allows you to use data from your Jotform Tables to prepopulate fields on your form. You can use one of your form tables or import your existing data into Tables and use it. See How to Import Data in Jotform Tables to learn more.

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To prefill your form with data from Jotform Tables

  1. In the Form Builder, go to Publish at the top.
  2. Go to Prefill on the left.
  3. Select Tables Prefill.
Steps to access Table Prefill in Jotform Form Builder
  1. Choose your source table and tab.
  2. Map your table’s columns to your form fields, then select Save Settings.
The Table Prefill configuration page in Jotform Form Builder
  1. On the next page, select Add a New Prefill.
The Add a New Prefill button in Jotform Form Builder
  1. Choose the entries to prefill your form, then select Create in the upper-right corner.
The data selection in Jotform Form Builder's Tables Prefill configuration page


  • While you can select all submissions, you can only create 20 prefills at a time.
  • Tables Prefill supports the following elements:
    • Full Name
    • Email
    • Address
    • Short Text
    • Long Text
    • Phone
    • Number
    • Dropdown
    • Single Choice
    • Multiple Choice
    • Scale Rating
    • Spinner

You can now copy and share your prefilled URLs. Use the prefill menu to manage your prefills.

The Tables Prefill menu in Jotform Form Builder

Here are the available options:

  • Send Invitation — Send the prefilled URL to up to 5 people via email.
  • Copy URL — Copy the URL to your clipboard.
  • Rename — Change the prefill’s label.
  • Delete URL — Delete the prefill.

You can select multiple prefills to download, send, or delete them all at once.

The download, send, and delete buttons in Jotform Form Builder's Tables Prefill

Changing Prefill Permissions

By default, invited users can edit the prefilled values on your form. To prevent your form fillers from changing the values, set the prefill’s permission to Read Only.

The permission options in Jotform Form Builder's Tables Prefill
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