How to Set Up Approval in Jotform Workflows

October 22, 2024

The Approval element in Jotform Workflows allows you to configure and define outcomes for your approval flow. Aside from the default Approve and Deny options, you can add more outcomes if needed and even set up multistep and parallel approvals.

Adding an Approval Element

To use Approval

  1. In the Workflow Builder, add Approval to your flow.
An Approval option in Jotform Workflows Elements
  1. Add and connect your desired elements for each outcome. See How to Add and Connect Elements in Jotform Workflows to learn more.
Email elements in Jotform Workflows
  1. Assign an outcome for each link. Select Edit in the Outcomes dialog for more options.
A Select Outcome button in Jotform Workflows
  1. Customize your workflow further if needed.
  2. End your flow to complete the setup.
An End element in Jotform Workflows

Configuring Approval

To view properties

  1. Select the Approval’s gear icon.
An Approval element's gear icon in Jotform Workflows
  1. Change your desired settings in the properties panel.
An Approval Properties panel in Jotform Workflows

Here are the available options under the General tab:

  • Outcomes — Approve and Deny are the default outcomes. Add more custom response options by selecting Add new outcome. Change an outcome’s color by hovering over it and selecting the ink drop icon.
  • Approvers — Set to your email address by default. You can specify the approver’s email address or map it to your form’s email fields using the Form Fields dropdown.
  • Completion Rule — If you have multiple approvers, you can set the outcome’s completion rule.
  • Notification Emails — Notify approvers via email. Select Edit to customize the email sent to your approvers.
  • Require Login for Approver — Turn off this option if you don’t need your approvers to log in to their Jotform account to complete their tasks. Using account-based approval or requiring login is highly recommended so your approvers can track their activities through Jotform.
  1. Go to the Advanced tab to view more options.
An Advanced tab in Jotform Workflows Approval Properties

Here are the available options under the Advanced tab:

  • Require Comments — Require your approvers to comment on the request in Jotform Inbox to complete the task.
  • Reassign — Allow your approvers, in Jotform Inbox, to reassign their task to another person.
  • Request More Information — Allow your approvers, in Jotform Inbox, to ask for more details about the submission before they approve or reject the request.
  • Escalation — Automatically send the request to someone else if the primary approver fails to complete the task within the allowed period.
  • Expiration — Set the approval request to expire automatically after a certain period or on a specific date.
  • Automatically Finish the Task — Set the approval to automatically select an outcome after a certain period or date.
  • Send Reminder Emails — Send periodic reminders to your approvers to complete their tasks.

All changes are automatically saved.

Jotform Workflows
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