How to Filter Entries in Jotform Tables

June 22, 2024

Jotform Tables lets you easily analyze and manage your form data with its filter feature. It can help you search entries by dates, status, tags, terms, or answers. You can download, delete, or archive the filtered entries or save them into tabs.

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Filtering Entries by Submission Date

If you need to view submissions on your form sent on specific dates, you can filter them by Submission Date:

  1. In Jotform Tables, open Filter next to the search bar in the upper-left corner.
The Filter button in Jotform Tables
  1. In the dialog, select All time
  2. Choose your desired range in the date picker. You can either use the presets on the right or choose custom dates using the calendar.
Step to filter entries by submission date in Jotform Tables
  1. Click anywhere outside the date picker, then select Apply Filter.
Steps to filter entries by submission date in Jotform Tables

Filtering Entries by Date

Unlike the Submission Date filter, other date-related data in Tables don’t have filter presets. To filter custom date fields

  1. In Jotform Tables, open Filter.
The Filter button in Jotform Tables
  1. Under Advanced Filters, choose a date field and enter the start date:
{your date field}, greater than or equal to, {the start date}
Steps to filter custom dates in Jotform Tables
  1. Select Add New Filter in the lower-left corner.
Steps to filter custom dates in Jotform Tables
  1. Configure the same date field for the end date:
{your date field}, less than or equal to, {the end date}
Steps to filter custom dates in Jotform Tables
  1. Ensure both filters are using the same date field, then apply your filter.

    Filtering Entries by Value

    To filter submissions by field value or answer on the form

    1. In Jotform Tables, open Filter.
    The Filter button in Jotform Tables
    1. Under Advanced Filters, specify the field and value to search, then apply your filter.
    An email filter in Jotform Tables

    Editing and Removing Filters

    You can edit your existing filters by opening Filter. To remove filters, select the remove icon next to the Filter button.

    A guide to remove a custom filter in Jotform Tables
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