Client don't receive my forms

  • annieviens
    Demandé le 17 septembre 2024 à 10:54


    Lately my clients either don't receive my forms or they don't have access. I always send the forms by email. I receive an email from Jotform and I have to authorize their access. I didn't have this problem before.

    What is the best way to send the form by email


  • Frédéric Jotform Support
    Répondu le 17 septembre 2024 à 11:58

    Hi Annie,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Since you have set your form to Private mode, the respondents you need to fill out your form can be invited by email to fill the form as Form Assignees. Form Assignees need to have a Jotform account to submit the forms using the invite email link. Let me show you how to invite assignees.

    1. In Form Builder, in the orange navigation bar at the top of the page, click on Publish.
    2. Fill out the recipient email addresses.
    3. Click on the Upward arrow on the right of Invite by Email.
    4. When seeing on the right side the section Shared with, it seems that you already used this functionality.Client dont receive my forms Image 1 Screenshot 50

    Note that when you share the private form with respondents who don't have a Jotform account, they will be required to sign up for a Jotform account as well as request your permission to complete your form.Client dont receive my forms Image 2 Screenshot 61

    And if you send only the form URL from your own email software, so that the recipients are not invited from the page above, they'll see the page shown below, and they will receive the message asking for your permission to access the form.

    Client dont receive my forms Image 3 Screenshot 72

    If you don't want your form to require an authorization, you can make your form Public, and then you're free to share the form link by email or any other media. Let me show you how to do make you for public.

    1. From the Publish page above, click on the button Settings with the gear icon on the right side.
    2. Select Public.
    3. Close de modal window, and you're done.Client dont receive my forms Image 4 Screenshot 83

    Reach out again if you have any other questions. 

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