What are Jotform prices?

  • LeBaroudeur
    Demandé le 17 juillet 2024 à 14:32
    Now, can we talk about prices? I have a few questions (surprise!😅).

    Thank you!

  • Eduardo Jotform Support
    Répondu le 17 juillet 2024 à 14:34

    Hi Le Baroudeur,

    Absolutely. You can check out our prices here on our Pricing Page. But, we will be happy to answer any other questions you might have about our prices.

    Let us know if you need any other help.

  • LeBaroudeur
    Répondu le 17 juillet 2024 à 14:53

    Hi Eduardo,

    Ok here's my questions :
    1) If I'm a seasonal business and I'm only planning to use the formula for 6 months, can I still take advantage of the $19.50/month price for the Bronze plan and pay per month, or have a "6 months invoice"?

    2) If I ask for a signature at the end of my form, I guess I should look at the “monthly signed form” line in the pricing table to assess my needs, not “monthly submissions”? (just to make sure I understand😅).

     Thank you!

  • Eduardo Jotform Support
    Répondu le 17 juillet 2024 à 15:16

    Hi Le Baroudeur,

    Unfortunately, it's not possible to personalize our plans. The price of $19.50/month would only be available at the yearly plan, and not be able to reduce it to 6 months.

    I moved your other question to a new thread and helped you with that here.

    Let us know if you need any more help.

  • LeBaroudeur
    Répondu le 17 juillet 2024 à 15:23

    Ok! And if I pay $39/month, can I pay monthly, or do I have to pay all at once, for a whole year?

    Thank you!

  • Eduardo Jotform Support
    Répondu le 17 juillet 2024 à 15:43

    Hi Le Baroudeur,

    If you decide to choose our Monthly plan, you will need to make the payment every month $39 separately and won't need to do it for a whole year.

    Let us know if you need any more help.