Jotform Sign: Customize preview sign document

  • yannickfrimin
    Demandé le 12 juillet 2024 à 04:28


    Est-il possible de modifier le format de date qui apparait sur le pdf généré ?

    En effet le format n'est pas un format standard, il faudrait que ce soit jeudi 11 juillet 2024 ou éventuellement 11/07/2024

    Jotform Sign: Customize preview sign document Image 1 Screenshot 30

    Le format est correct dans l'email :

    Jotform Sign: Customize preview sign document Image 2 Screenshot 41

    D'avance merci.

  • Mary Jotform Support
    Répondu le 12 juillet 2024 à 06:57

    Hi Yannick,

    Our French Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users right now, so I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in French, let us know and we can have them do that. But, it might take a while until they're available again.

    Now, coming back to your question, you should be able to change it in your PDF Editor. Let me show you how:

    1. Select the form on your My Forms Page.

    2. Click on the More button.

    3. Click on Open PDF Editor.

    Jotform Sign: Customize preview sign document Image 1 Screenshot 30

    4. Once you are on the PDF Editor Page, click on the gear button

    5. Then change the date format.

    Jotform Sign: Customize preview sign document Image 2 Screenshot 41

    Let us know if you have any other questions.

  • yannickfrimin
    Répondu le 12 juillet 2024 à 07:59


    English is ok for me.

    Thanks your reply. However I don't have the same options as you on the editor...

    Jotform Sign: Customize preview sign document Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Good format is selected. The problem is not on the form when filing or in the form sent by email it but in the pdf generated and sent to the client.

  • Mary Jotform Support
    Répondu le 12 juillet 2024 à 08:44

    Hi Yannick,

    I see you are referring to the PDF attached to the Sign Document email. I'm afraid there is no option to make changes to it. I went ahead and escalated your request to our developers. Exactly when or if it's developed depends on their workload, how viable it is, and how many other users also request it. If there are any updates, we’ll circle back to this thread and let you know.

    Thanks for your patience and understanding, we appreciate it.

  • yannickfrimin
    Répondu le 12 juillet 2024 à 08:49

    Yes you're right. I was also afraid that there is no current solution.

    It would be a good evolution if we can have the possibility to reorganize this pdf.

    Thanks for your good and quick support.

  • Gian_D Jotform Support
    Répondu le 12 juillet 2024 à 10:53

    Hi Yannick,

    Although we don’t have a solution yet, rest assured, we’ll keep working on this until it's resolved. We’ll get back to you as soon as we have an update.

    We really appreciate your patience and understanding while we’re looking into this.