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Join the Jotform Enterprise Reseller Program

Unlock new growth opportunities with the Jotform Reseller Program. Salesforce Consultants can enhance their offerings by providing a robust solution that improves data collection and streamlines processes. Resell Jotform Enterprise for Salesforce to determine your profit margins and create new revenue streams for your business.

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Die richtigen Lösungen für jede Organisation


Jotform Enterprise streamlines patient care processes like satisfaction surveys, patient information collection, and medical assessments that maintain HIPAA compliance. The Salesforce integration syncs data directly to patient records, and Dynamic Prefill reduces manual input. Automatically attach key documents, like signed consent forms, to Salesforce records for efficient healthcare management.

Jotform Enterprise and One to One Health help safeguard communities.

Story: Jotform Enterprise und One to One Health helfen Communities zu schützen.

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Educational institutions rely on Jotform Enterprise for IT service requests, subscriptions, and payments. Compliance solutions such as FERPA, HIPAA, and SOC 2 protect student data. The Salesforce integration enables automated data syncing, and Dynamic Prefill makes enrollment and payments smoother. Signed documents and receipts can be attached to records, and Integration Logs ensure seamless operations.

How Jotform Enterprise powers Pasadena City College teams campus-wide

Story: Wie Jotform Enterprise die Teams des Pasadena City College auf dem gesamten Campus unterstützt

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Öffentliche Verwaltung

Government agencies use Jotform Enterprise for internal management, feedback collection, and payment processing. The Salesforce integration syncs submissions to streamline workflows, and Dynamic Prefill minimizes errors. Signed documents and payments are securely stored in Salesforce, and Integration Logs ensure transparency and provide real-time solutions. HIPAA and SOC 2 compliance solutions ensure data security within the public sector. Jotform Enterprise is in the Security Snapshot Program of StateRAMP as well.

How Park County, Montana, uses Jotform to combat COVID-19

Story: Wie Park County, Montana, Jotform zur Bekämpfung von COVID-19 einsetzt

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Nonprofits use Jotform Enterprise for feedback forms, workshop registrations, and donation collections. The Salesforce integration streamlines tracking and Prefill Link Automation simplifies repeat donation submissions. Integration Logs and the automatic attachment of donation receipts enhance engagement and operational efficiency.

Body Brave improves healthcare access and services with Jotform Enterprise

Story: Body Brave verbessert mit Jotform Enterprise den Zugang zum Gesundheitswesen und seine Dienstleistungen

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Jotform Enterprise helps law firms manage case assessments, contracts, and internal processes like asset handovers. The Salesforce integration automates data transfer and Dynamic Prefill speeds up case intake. Signed agreements can be attached directly to record and Integration Logs improves document management and client interactions.

How CiviLaw.Tech uses Jotform Enterprise to bridge the justice gap

Story: Wie CiviLaw.Tech Jotform Enterprise nutzt, um Gerechtigkeit zu schaffen

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Jotform Enterprise streamlines production requests, inventory management, and supplier orders. Salesforce integration automates data syncing and enhances Dynamic Prefill for accurate order processing. Integration Logs ensure smooth operations and quick issue resolution.

ACS Stainless Steel Fixings Ltd. manages its business with Jotform Enterprise

Story: ACS Stainless Steel Fixings Ltd. verwaltet sein Geschäft mit Jotform Enterprise

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Retail and E-commerce

Jotform Enterprise supports customer feedback, order forms, inventory tracking, and return or refund requests for retail and e-commerce businesses. The Salesforce integration automates customer and order data syncing, and Dynamic Prefill simplifies customer interactions for faster checkouts and returns. Attachments ensure secure storage of invoices and returns and Integration Logs improve order management and quickly resolve any issues.

Managing popular London restaurant brands with Jotform Enterprise

Story: Bewirtschaftung beliebter Londoner Restaurantmarken mit Jotform Enterprise

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Retail and E-commerce
Jotform Enterprise

Robust Data Management

Robust Data Management

Jotform Enterprise is a powerful data collection platform designed for large organizations. It offers advanced features such as custom form creation, secure data management, and robust integration capabilities. Jotform Enterprise maintains compliance with major standards like GDPR, HIPAA, and CCPA, and provides robust security measures including data encryption, secure access controls, and regular security audits.

Partnership Benefits Overview

Financial Benefits
Immediate Rewards

Begin at our prestigious Gold Tier to unlock exceptional discounts right away.

Qualified Leads

Boost your business with pre-qualified sales leads.

Deal Registrierung

​​Register your deals to obtain larger discounts and secure client ownership.

Marketing Benefits
Partner Training

Gain access to exclusive training resources to enhance your product knowledge and sales performance.

Marketing Resources

Enhance your marketing efforts with tools like vertical cheat sheets, email templates, and more.

MDF & Incentives

Collaborate with our team using pre-allocated market development funds for joint promotions and incentives.

Not-for-Resale Zugang

Use a not-for-resale (NFR) account to demonstrate Jotform’s product value to clients.

Werden Sie Partner

Power your organization and others


Erstellen Sie innerhalb weniger Minuten intelligente Online-Formulare. Verwenden Sie bedingte Logik, über 10.000 Vorlagen und Hunderte von Integrationen, um Daten, Unterschriften, Zahlungen und vieles mehr zu erfassen.


Automatisieren Sie E-Signaturen für Dokumente, Spenden und vieles mehr. Digitalisieren Sie Papierdokumente, sammeln Sie E-Signaturen von mehreren Unterzeichnern, senden Sie E-Mail-Erinnerungen und verfolgen Sie den Status mit Jotform Signatur. Sparen Sie Geld und reduzieren Sie komplexe Technologien mit der eingebauten E-Signatur-Lösung von Jotform Enterprise.


Optimieren Sie papiergestützte Prozesse, um den manuellen Aufwand zu minimieren und Zeit zu sparen. Nutzen Sie Online-Formulare und -Genehmigungen, um Aufgaben zu delegieren, E-Mails automatisch zu versenden und Engpässe effizient zu beheben — ganz ohne Programmierkenntnisse.

Document generation

Wandeln Sie gesammelte Formularantworten in professionelle, sichere PDF-Dokumente um, die Sie problemlos mit Kollegen und Kunden austauschen können. Erstellen Sie auf einfache Weise individuell anpassbare, online ausfüllbare PDF-Dateien.

Warum Jotform Enterprise? Lesen Sie die Erfahrungen unserer Kunden:

G2 Platform
Trust Radius
Software Advice


  • Es hat uns eine Menge Geld und Zeit gespart

    Jotform Enterprise hat es uns ermöglicht, Zahlungen abteilungsübergreifend abzuwickeln. Zuvor hatte die Universität keine solche Lösung … wir haben viel Zeit und Geld gespart.

    Torri McCray

    Business Systems Analyst

    University of Michigan

  • Das Projekt nimmt etwa 20 Prozent weniger Zeit in Anspruch

    Mit Jotform Enterprise können Sie die Zeit, die Sie für jeden Aspekt der Projekterstellung benötigen, um etwa 20% reduzieren. In vielen Bereichen leistet Jotform Enterprise Außergewöhnliches und hebt sich deutlich vom Industriestandard ab.

    Caleb Griffin

    Software Development Manager


  • Jotform Enterprise hat uns sehr geholfen

    Jotform Enterprise war für uns ein wichtiges Tool, um Kommunikationskanäle zu unseren Kunden aufzubauen. Es ermöglicht unseren Kunden, Veranstaltungen vorzuschlagen, Bücheranschaffungen zu empfehlen, Fragen zu stellen, Feedback zu unserer Arbeit zu geben und Mitglied der Friends of the Library Gruppe zu werden.

    Sarah Schroeder

    Tinley Park Public Library

Werden Sie Partner

Become a Partner

Do you have Salesforce clients who could benefit from Jotform Enterprise? If so, our partner program is the perfect opportunity for you. Join today to expand your Salesforce offerings, enhance your clients' experience with seamless form automation, and generate new revenue streams.