
  • Katzenpsychologin
    Gefragt am 12. April 2021 um 05:38

    Hallo :) Ich habe alle alten Formulare gelöscht, aber es wird mir noch immer angezeigt dass ich zu wenig Speicherplatz habe. Was kann ich noch tun?

  • Eduardo Jotform Support
    Geantwortet am 12. April 2021 um 17:47

    Hello @Katzenpsychologin

    Please notice that deleting the forms won't immediately remove its submission data.

    Kindly go to the page My Forms, find the Trash section (Papierkorb) and click on the submissions number below each form. You'll be taken to the Tables page of the form, where you can remove the submissions.

    1618263952 6074bf90b69d9 Screenshot Screenshot 10

    Also, be aware that you might also need to purge the submissions from the TRASH in order to have the upload space count reset.

    1618263959 6074bf9754d47 Screenshot(1) Screenshot 21

    Let us know if you need any further assistance.

  • Katzenpsychologin
    Geantwortet am 14. April 2021 um 04:29

    Thank you! I could delete the answers. So I understand that 100 answers is the maximum. Where can I see how the MB is? (100MB Maximum)

    Thank you!

  • Eduardo Jotform Support
    Geantwortet am 14. April 2021 um 09:47

    Hi @Katzenpsychologin

    I can see that the usage is now reset, and you account is fully active again.

    To check your accounts numbers just click your profile image followed by Settings -> Usage , or access this link:


    You might also want to check this support article:

    Guide: Understanding-your-account-usage-and-limits

    Let us know if you need any further assistance.