Connecting Google Sheets in Spreadsheet to Form widget

  • Andreas
    Gefragt am 19. Juli 2024 um 05:22

    The second option is the right one for me, which is to import the table from Google Sheets with data into Jotform and have existing data automatically pre-filled in the other fields in Jotform.

    Is it possible to update the table underlying the Jotform form? In other words, can newer records in the Google Sheets table be considered in the Jotform form? Or would one have to create a completely new Jotform table each time based on the newer Google Sheets table?

  • Sheena Jotform Support
    Geantwortet am 19. Juli 2024 um 05:28

    Hi Andreas

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to directly connect a Google Sheet to the Spreadsheet to Form widget. If you need to update the sheet, you will have to update the uploaded file in the widget with the updated data.

    While the feature you're looking for isn't available at Jotform right now, we've gone ahead and escalated your request to our developers. Exactly when or if it's developed depends on their workload, how viable it is, and how many other users also request it. If there are any updates, we’ll circle back to this thread and let you know.

    Thanks for your patience and understanding, we appreciate it.