Webinar: No-code tools for maximizing data impact

With the increasing democratization of technology, tasks that have historically been limited to experts due to their complexity or required skill level — such as web form coding or advanced graphic design — are now easily accessible to all.

In “No-code tools for maximizing data impact,” Jotform joins our partners at Visme to explore no-code, no-developer-needed strategies for getting the most out of your data — from collecting and aggregating, to interpreting, visualizing, and sharing.

Check it out here!

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Payman Taei

Webinar: No-code tools for maximizing data impact Image-1
Founder/CEO, Visme

Payman started HindSite Interactive in 2001 with a mere $170 to pay his way through college.  Frustrated with the lack of easy-to-use tools that could empower both non-designers and novices to speak visually, he went on to create Visme, the “Swiss Army knife of visual content creation.” Now Visme has over 10 million global users, including businesses, nonprofits, and individuals from all walks of life and more than 100 countries.

Art West

Webinar: No-code tools for maximizing data impact Image-2
Senior Social Media Manager, Jotform

Art is the senior social media manager at Jotform. He is passionate about marketing, mar-tech, #nocode, startups, and everything tech.

Webinar: No-code tools for maximizing data impact Image-3

People photo created by prostooleh – www.freepik.com

Morgan is the webinar manager at Jotform. She is passionate about helping people do their best work and has spent many years crafting sessions that educate users on how to make the most of a product. Outside of Jotform she tries to explore as much of the world as possible, makes lots of cakes, and goes wine tasting whenever she can. You can reach Morgan through her contact form.

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