6 top digital transformation tools for government agencies

Almost every industry, from retail to hospitality, is in an era of digital transformation. The public sector is also going digital, with the goal of improving productivity for employees and enhancing services for citizens.

However, not all digital transformations are successful. According to a recent McKinsey study, only 22 percent of government transformation initiatives met or exceeded their objectives for a number of reasons, such as labor shortages, skills  gaps, and employee concerns. In other cases, the problem lies with the digital tools organizations choose to adopt. If they aren’t a right fit for the government agency or department, the digital transformation effort will likely fail.

“Culture drives process, which drives technology,” says Bryon Kroger, founder and CEO of Rise8, a full-stack digital transformation firm for the public sector. “The technology choices of a government agency should be reflective of their culture and processes.” Choosing a digital transformation software is no easy task because what works for one government department may not be suitable for another.

With so many available options, it can be difficult to pinpoint the right solution. To help you narrow down your choices and make your digital transformation a success, we’ve gathered six top digital transformation tools for the public sector that can help digitize different government processes.

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6 top digital transformation tools

What should you consider when evaluating digital transformation solutions? Kroger offers some important advice: “Instead of going with single-focused SaaS startups, which are so prevalent in Silicon Valley, look for compound startups instead.” These are software companies whose products can handle multiple functions to meet enterprise challenges, such as IT, human resources, and payroll.

“Instead of buying 15 point solutions and stringing them together with APIs, let someone else manage that for you,” says Kroger. “You don’t want to spend all of your time doing configuration and integration.”

1. Jotform Enterprise

Jotform Enterprise is ideal for government agencies and departments of any size that need to collect data as part of their operations. It comes with hundreds of data collection form templates (for permit applications or voter registration, for instance) that government employees can use as-is or customize for their needs with the drag-and-drop form builder.

Jotform Enterprise is highly secure, with all form data stored in a local data residency center. It also meets SOC 2 and PCI DSS requirements and offers HIPAA compliance features. To further streamline workflows, Jotform integrates with many of the popular digital tools government departments are already using, such as cloud storage solutions and communication software. Contact Jotform directly for government pricing information.

2. GovPilot

GovPilot is a cloud-based management system for local governments, helping them automate processes and share data. It comes with over 125 digital modules to handle common local government functions, such as code enforcement, zoning permits, business registration, property registration, and construction permits. GovPilot also offers mobile app solutions, enabling citizens to connect with local governments on the go. 

GovPilot is available in four different pricing tiers based on the number of modules your agency requires. Contact GovPilot for pricing details.

landing page of govpilot

3. Zapier

Zapier helps government agencies and departments connect their solutions and apps to streamline and automate their processes. With Zapier, public sector employees can automate busywork by integrating their communication, cloud storage, CRM, project management, and other tools together, and they can set up triggers that result in specific actions. For example, if a constituent pays a parking ticket online, the necessary details can be automatically added to the person’s file in another software system.

Zapier offers five different pricing tiers, ranging from free to $99 per month with annual billing.

landing page of zapier

4. CivicTrack

CivicTrack is a constituent management software for government departments and agencies, helping them connect and communicate with the people they serve. With CivicTrack, government employees can manage case workflows, maintain contact information, and store documents, all in one platform that’s highly secure and easily searchable. The solution comes with free training for users and ongoing support. 

CivicTrack offers three different tiers of programs, based on the size of the department and the features it requires.

landing page of civictrack

5. monday.com

monday.com is a project management solution that government offices can use to ensure their programs stay on track. It offers an easy-to-understand visual dashboard so government employees can see the status of projects and their individual tasks. Other helpful features include notifications for tasks, collaborative documents, and integration with other digital transformation solutions. 

monday.com offers five pricing plans, starting from free and going all the way to a custom enterprise option.

landing page of monday

6. eScribe

eScribe is a digital meeting management software for local governments that enables public sector employees to reduce the administrative workload for meeting planning and open new channels for citizen participation. Government workers can use it to create and collaborate on meeting materials, hold meetings with ease, take minutes, record votes, and much more. 

Contact eScribe for pricing and a custom quote based on your needs.

landing page of escribe

Regardless of which government digital transformation software you use, consider how it improves and enhances the day-to-day work of your employees. “Employee experience drives the customer experience,” says Kroger. “In government, the citizens are the customers. If we want to improve the citizenry experience, then we need to invest in software for the employee experience.”

Digital transformation for government with Jotform Enterprise

A simple way to begin your digital transformation is with Jotform Enterprise, one of the top digital transformation tools, thanks to its versatility and ease of use. Use it to build data collection forms fast, securely store and analyze the data you collect, and automate data collection workflows. To understand what it could do for your government agency, read our case study on the County of Marin. Then contact us to get started! 

Photo by Werner Pfennig

Jotform's Editorial Team is a group of dedicated professionals committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to Jotform blog readers. Our team's expertise spans a wide range of topics, from industry-specific subjects like managing summer camps and educational institutions to essential skills in surveys, data collection methods, and document management. We also provide curated recommendations on the best software tools and resources to help streamline your workflow.

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