5 Jotform table templates for marketers

5 Jotform table templates for marketers

Jotform Tables has a multitude of features designed to make your life easier when it comes to managing your data and workflow. But we didn’t stop there. We also created 250+ templates for various industries that will help you tackle specific tasks and situations right away — because we know that time is money, and your time is valuable. 

For example, it’s no secret that as we progress deeper into Q4 this year, marketers are busier than ever. Whether it’s closing out yearly projects, executing holiday campaigns, or planning for 2021, it’s crunch time.

To help you out, we’re listing five templates that can be used specifically for marketing. Whatever you need to plan, collect, or manage for your upcoming marketing campaign, Jotform Tables has your back.

1. Marketing plan template

This template helps you manage all the elements of a comprehensive yearly marketing plan, including setting up your projects (divided into fiscal quarters by default), assigning them to team members, and keeping track of budget, key dates, and completion status. 

You can add rows to capture any other important information, such as file uploads, and you can summarize columns (like your budget) with a graph — simply click into the column and select Summarize with chart. 

You can view your marketing plan as a table, a calendar, or in our easy-to-read Cards view. And, as with all of our templates, you can share and collaborate with your team simultaneously to make sure all elements of your marketing plan are on track. 

2. Social media calendar template

Our social media calendar template is designed to help you organize your social media content throughout the year. 

Social media continues to be significant in the marketing world, due to its advanced targeting capabilities, shareability, and the alluring possibility of word-of-mouth virality. So it’s crucial to ensure your marketing campaign takes full advantage of your intended social platform — whether that’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, or TikTok.

Whether you’re an individual influencer or blogger, or you work as part of a social marketing team at a major organization, it’s vital that your social campaign is planned, organized, and ready to execute ahead of time so that you can properly leverage these powerful opportunities.

Our social media calendar template makes it easy to schedule social media posts in advance. Just fill out the connected form with content and scheduling information about your upcoming posts, and these submissions will automatically populate your table as color-coded entries.

You can switch from calendar view to table view. You can also customize any of the information on the form or the table itself, and keep track of all your upcoming posts with the click of a button.

3. Social media analytics template

This is another template that helps you take your social media marketing to the next level. To optimize your social media campaigns, you need to keep track of your analytics, so you can use key insights from that data to adjust any elements as necessary. But this can be overwhelming, especially if you’re looking for one centralized location to store and reference all of your analytics data. 

Thankfully, our social media analytics template helps with exactly that. This template is designed to act as a catch-all for your social media campaign performance information. 

Columns are set up to capture your followers, likes, shares, comments, CTR, impressions, and more, all separated by social media platform. There’s even a Top Content tab, where you can catalog your best-performing content for easy future reference and inspiration. And you can rest assured that all your analytics information will be stored safely and securely in your Jotform account, and will be accessible from any device. 

Want to make things even more centralized? If you use the social media marketing calendar template discussed above, you can connect it directly to this table in a separate tab (or vice versa). How’s that for convenient? 

4. PR tracker template

No fully integrated marketing campaign is complete without a public relations component, and our PR tracker template helps with that.

In the competitive world of public relations, staying on top of leads, tasks, outreach status, key dates, contacts, and publication lists is critical to success. Use our PR tracker template to keep multiple campaigns and clients organized across a team, or simply use it as an individual ledger to aid with your own projects.

This template includes columns for all of your key PR information. You can look at your data either in a table or switch to a calendar view to help you keep track of key upcoming dates. Give our PR tracker template a try today, and streamline your PR operations. 

5. Rainbow sheet template

Let’s not forget the significance of research and survey data as a formative part of any marketing campaign. A rainbow sheet organizes and displays behavioral patterns from survey responses at a glance. These important research tools help marketers glean key takeaways from data and inform marketing decisions. 

This template is linked to our user research participation registration form, which you can customize and send to research participants to fill out. Their submissions will then automatically populate the table, appearing as categorized, color-coded entries.

You can view the data in the default table view or in a report, complete with graphs and charts for easy reference. Simply open a new tab, select Report view, and select the same table to import the data. Collecting, compiling, and reviewing your research data has never been simpler!

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Whatever your marketing needs may be as we delve into the holiday season and next year’s campaign planning, hopefully some of these templates can give you an edge in your preparation and execution. Try them out today, or check out our hundreds of other table templates — and let us know what you think!

Elliott is the VP of Marketing at Jotform, and is a firm believer in empowering individuals and organizations through the endlessly adaptable capabilities of online forms. He holds a master’s degree in business and was a collegiate tennis player in a past life. When he’s not spreading the word about Jotform, you can find him doing something active outside (or on the couch playing video games). You can reach Elliott through his contact form.

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