Reasons to create a step by step form with Jotform Cards

When you need to collect information from your users or customers, whether it’s through a survey, registration form, or other tool, you want the process to be as simple as possible for them.

So it’s important to think critically about the best format to use — especially if you’re asking for a lot of details. A step by step form lets you ask your users for detailed information without overwhelming them with too many options on one screen.

Multistep forms are great for tasks like conducting surveys, setting up a “Contact Us” page, and sending registration forms, among others. For more complex forms like these, you need a platform with the capacity to host them. That’s where Jotform Cards comes in.

Built with customization in mind, Jotform Cards is a fun, easy way to engage with your users and collect the information you need to run your business.

Here’s how to build a step by step form and how Jotform Cards can be an all-in-one solution for gathering data.

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Define your form elements

A step by step form made with Jotform Cards separates user tasks to make sure it’s clear what  information you’re asking for. Too much text on a page can be overwhelming, and you don’t want your users to be confused about how to finish a transaction or provide feedback.

Jotform designed its Cards feature with this in mind, keeping a one-question-per-page format to improve user focus and eliminate clutter.

When you send order forms or ask for comments, you want to receive responses as fast as possible — and making the process simple and straightforward is the best way to make that happen.

Generate more users

Through user research, Jotform was able to make a clear connection between using a step by step form and higher user engagement. In fact, this research shows that forms created with Jotform Cards are 36 percent more likely to be completed, which means higher lead-generation potential, more event registrations, and an increase in job applicants.

With Jotform Cards, you can create forms for surveys, product orders, customer feedback — the list goes on. Plus, with more eyeballs on your forms, you have the potential to bring in more revenue to grow your business.

Work with an intuitive interface

Creating a step by step form with Jotform Cards is easy. All you have to do is go to the My Forms page in your Jotform account and choose the “Single question per page” Card form. You’ll get three options to choose from: start from scratch with a blank form, use a Card form template, or import a previously created form.

From there, the rest is up to you. If your business has certain quirks, a form template might not include everything you need, so Jotform lets you design your forms around what suits you best.

Customize your forms to your needs

Jotform Cards is designed with customization in mind. There are countless options to choose from, with different color sets and even a video integration option to create a multimedia experience.

Plus, Jotform’s smart embed functionality ensures that your Card forms fit your website’s feel. Your Card form’s welcome page is also fully customizable, allowing you to create a great first impression right off the bat. You can even incorporate emojis, micro-animations, and brand logos and fonts to create forms that are unique to your business.

Track your progress on the go

When your users fill out your forms, you don’t want them to feel like they’re climbing a mountain with no end in sight. Step by step forms can help, but it’s important to be transparent about how long the survey is. Jotform Cards features a progress bar to let your users know how far along they are in completing a form.

Plus, if your responders want to come back to finish a form later, Jotform Cards is mobile-friendly, so they can seamlessly transition from one device to the next.

Get inside your users’ heads

When you’re designing a step by step form, it’s important to try to see things from your users’ point of view. As a consumer, you’ve probably interacted with other businesses that have asked for the same kind of information you’re asking of your users.

Think about how you’d want that process to go for you as you create and design your forms. With Jotform Cards, you can simplify your forms and minimize the amount of time this process takes, ensuring that your users are well taken care of.

Your goal should always be to have your customers’ best interests in mind, so putting yourself in their shoes is a great way to make sure you’re building your business in line with their needs — one form at a time.

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Jotform's Editorial Team is a group of dedicated professionals committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to Jotform blog readers. Our team's expertise spans a wide range of topics, from industry-specific subjects like managing summer camps and educational institutions to essential skills in surveys, data collection methods, and document management. We also provide curated recommendations on the best software tools and resources to help streamline your workflow.

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