8 real estate lead generation ideas

8 real estate lead generation ideas

Looking for ways to boost your real estate business? The key to a successful career in this industry is maintaining a regular flow of fresh leads — clients looking to buy or sell their homes — so you need to focus on real estate lead generation on an ongoing basis. A few good strategies and consistent effort can go a long way toward bringing in a steady stream of connections.

It can be helpful to hire a real estate lead generation company, but there’s a lot that you can do on your own. If you prefer to take a DIY approach, consider the following lead generation ideas to support your business.

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1. A website

A website is not only necessary to give you a digital presence but also to generate leads online. Hire a web designer to create a personalized site that showcases your unique business offerings. 

To capture contact information from people who are looking for your services, use web forms. The Jotform Real Estate Leads template makes it simple to add user-friendly forms to your website. Check out this link to see a variety of Jotform real estate templates, including these common forms:

  • Property inquiry form
  • House seller form
  • Home loan application
  • Property information form
  • Client information
  • Buyers questionnaire
  • Real estate listing form
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Real estate contact form template for sellers

2. Social media posts

It’s common for the best real estate leads to come from your network — referrals from friends and family. Even if someone doesn’t need your services immediately, social media can help keep you top of mind and increase the chances that your name will come up when someone asks for a referral. 

Share interesting bits of information on social media. Use a combination of posts in the main feed as well as stories and live streams to give people an inside look at available properties.

3. Digital and printed flyers

A listing flyer is a great way to showcase a property quickly and efficiently. Whether you’re posting on social media or sharing information in a blog post, make sure you have something to offer potential buyers. A downloadable flyer can include photos of the property as well as specs and any other relevant information. Also, have printed copies of these flyers on hand to pass out to people you meet in person.

4. Virtual 3D tours

Online home tours are gaining in popularity, especially with the recent health concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic. A virtual tour stitches together still images to create an interactive experience for the viewer. The result is a complete, seamless visual display — as if the potential buyer is walking through the home. This immersive experience is an effective way to capture the attention of your target demographic.

5. Google My Business listing

Even though real estate leads often come from your network, there are opportunities to connect with people who are searching online. Setting up a Google My Business page increases the likelihood of your listing showing up in search engines. Additionally, you can build this profile with online reviews to provide social proof when people are researching your brand.

6. Real estate business card

It might sound obvious, but real estate agents should never leave the house without a stack of business cards. You never know when you’ll connect with a potential client at a meeting — or even in the grocery store checkout line. 

A well-designed business card makes it easy to share your contact information with anyone you meet. It helps to build your brand and show your professionalism. Include a link to your website where the person can find more information or fill out your real estate lead generation form.

7. Monthly client outreach

Ongoing communication with your past clients helps to maintain a relationship and increases the likelihood they will use your services again in the future. How are you connecting with your current list each month? 

Create a system to reach out regularly. For example, you might hold client appreciation parties or send industry updates via email. Another option is to partner with local businesses to offer discounts or free items sent through monthly postcards to your list of clients.

8. Thank-you notes

Showing gratitude can be a great way to encourage your network to keep sending leads. When a client or business connection sends a referral, be proactive in reaching out to say thank you. While a thank-you message over email is better than no response at all, consider the personal touch that comes from a handwritten note.

The most effective real estate lead generation strategies will be the ideas that best fit your personality. Try implementing a few of these tips to figure out which strategies work best for your business. With a little effort, you can start attracting leads and converting them into clients.

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