We want to create a pricing structure that makes the most sense for all of our users. With that in mind, starting tomorrow, we’re modifying our monthly packages to count the number of times your forms are viewed each month. It’s structured similarly to how we’ve developed our submission limits, only 10 times the amount.
Here’s a breakdown of the new view limits by account type:
- Free form views: 1,000
- Bronze form views: 10,000
- Silver form views: 100,000
- Gold form views: 200,000
What does this mean for my account?
For a majority of casual Jotform users, this won’t make a difference. For instance, most users who receive more than 1,000 form views a month are receiving more than 100 submissions, so they’re already on the paid plan that’s right for them. But for a few of you, this will mean needing to upgrade to an appropriate paid plan.
What’s the reason for the new limit?
We felt that users who were receiving more than 1,000 views on their forms are getting the same value as users who receive more than 100 submissions. We wanted to make our form limits more fair for every user, which also took into account per capita web hosting costs. Now, whether form views or submissions, we’re all on the same page and know what to expect.
How will I know if I’m close to my limit for form views?
Your form views are readily accessible from your Account page. Select “Usage” and see how many views you have left next to where it shows submission count and upload space. We’ll also send you a friendly message letting you know if you’re close to your limit.
What happens if I go over my limit?
If you go over the limit, you will be asked to upgrade before the next business day at noon. After that your account will be temporarily disabled until you’re able to upgrade. But like we said, you can find out if this change affects you by viewing your form view status from your account page, and checking to see if you’re close to the limit.
If you have any further questions, check out this page or feel free to direct them to our friendly support team.
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191 days ago
çok güzel bir form oluşturma ve uygulama yapıcı. kolay ve kullanımı harika. Yapan arkadaşları tebrik ediyorum. Başarılar dilerim...
More than a year ago
süper ötesi
More than a year ago
I've been looking at Jotform for awhile but this is keeping me away. Not just the view limit but the fact that you disconnect an account for going over limits one time. That is insane. What if there's a sudden spike one time but next month is back to normal. This is bordering on extortion. I was looking forward to trying out Jotform but I really have to reconsider now.
More than a year ago
I found kind of weird that you said in your first paragraph the phrase "starting tomorrow" but nowhere in this article does it say when it was written. Good job Chad !!
I feel like Winie The Pooh... (reference to the new movie)
More than a year ago
Form Limits Based on Page Views? You Gotta' Be Kidding!
Oh well. Looks like were headed over to AppNitro Mach Forms.We will convert all of our pages... No View Limit there for MachForms (proprietary installed PHP software that we will own, no view limits). We use AdWords. Our visitors come to the pages on our web site which currently have an embedded Jot Form. Most visitors simply call us as opposed to filling out a form. Why would we pay for form software based on how many people view our forms on a web page? Answer: We would'n't. 1-800Cya
More than a year ago
Your going to lose another customer.
Remove the "View Limits".Folks are NOT viewing the forms as many times as your counter says. WHAT YOU REALLY MEAN TO SAY IS IF SOMEONE LANDS ON THE PAGE WITH YOUR CODE THEN THAT IS A "VIEW". That is wrong.
It is a marketing ploy to make money, the concept may be brilliant but you are going to lose customers!
More than a year ago
I do not like tht view limit! I have lots of people just going true my website and now if someone comes to this site it is one lost view - if this person comes back its two lost views and if he looks at the form several times because he dose not know if he wants to fill it out or not - every single time a view goes byebye - i do not like it and I think you should remove it. the banner after the views are out is a shame! I am using your form for some years - i do not think i will do use them if you do not remove this!
More than a year ago
as if limiting the views isn't bad enough, did you really have to stick such an obnoxiously large and annoying advertising banner on the bottom of the forms? I had been considering using Jotform on my site after it was recommended to me by a friend, but after seeing the banner at the bottom of her site's form , I will definitely be looking for other alternatives!
Ever heard the term "less is more"? That goes for advertising as well, and a more discreet approach that DOESN'T "stand out like a sore thumb" in someone's beautifully crafted website design would be advisable.
More than a year ago
Time to leave; equating submissions to any ratio of views is questionable. While we realize that even a view is using your server and therefore costs, submitting a form is only 1 more use.
Your numbers are not in line with competing services that will now be reconsidered.
More than a year ago
We're lucky we are still on an 'ok' type of account, but still on busy months we're running into view issues. We've resolved the issue by moving the forms with most views to cognito :-(
More than a year ago
I am canceling my account immediately. I have been a Jotform customer for years and what really impacts the business of any company is the submissions. I paid $ 19.00 to get 1000 submissions, and with only 254 submissions I got my account disabled because of this fucking view.I do not want to be a Jotform customer anymore
More than a year ago
No limited wiew please!!!!!!! Yes limit send...
More than a year ago
So bad for who trust in your services
More than a year ago
For some reason I'm not receiving forms via email that users submit. I've added my email and even tried an alternate email and even when I use the test option, I'm not receiving it. I would appreciate help with this. Thank you!
More than a year ago
The view limit is ridiculous, you think about it. I think I'll quit too. Remove it asap.
More than a year ago
this limitation does not exist in Typeform and others, this is ridiculous, you will lose customers to start with me.
More than a year ago
I crapped up my site by adding the footer advertising in order to get around the absolute asinine assumption that 1000 views is even as good as one form submission, and it still has me locked out. I used to love your form, but it just isn't worth the hassle anymore. I build over 100 websites per year and used Jotform on all of them. A lot of them go above 100 submissions per month and pay for the upgrade. But, if this is how you are going to treat your 'baby' customers, I'll be changing them all to another solution. You can say goodbye to close to 100 paying sites.
More than a year ago
The form views counts every load as a form view. If you're updating a webpage making changes, you will use at least three form views. This is along the lines of impression fraud since you're the originator and the more form views makes you upgrade the account or it'll be shut down.
More than a year ago
I am also interested to learn more how the page views are counted etc, a lot of questions in this thread and no answers from Jotform staff yet. looking forward to the answers.
More than a year ago
Hey guys, just wanna say I really enjoy your product, and after reading some of the comments above and also having a preference myself......why don't you just work on a submission limit?
When creating new forms there is a lot of testing involved etc., and for new start-ups it's extremely attractive to get forms built for free and as the company increases in revenue....increases in form submissions....then being able to go over to a paid plan is a LOT MORE attractive and viable.
My 2 cents:
Remove the form view limit and simply work on a submission limit.
More than a year ago
This is crazy...So, apparently I have over 1000 form views and no conversions!!??
Yep...time to search for greener pastures!! :(More than a year ago
This is a really bad policy. At this point it does not affect me like it does so many other Jotform users. However I will be looking for an alternative because this will become an issue for me in the future. It's just a bad policy. You guys should rethink it. Find another way to increase revenue and it should not be by punishing your customers. Page view limits? C'mon folks that is just greed.
More than a year ago
This is not good . I want to stop it.
I will find anther form built.More than a year ago
you guys should think this through
More than a year ago
no more views, it´s mean:
(1) no more views ...or..(2) no more create forms?