The best patient communication software

The best patient communication software

How is your medical practice doing when it comes to communicating with patients? Improving communication can lead to greater patient satisfaction and higher patient retention rates — and that can improve your practice’s performance and reputation. 

Communicating with patients is time-consuming, but patient communication software can help minimize the time you need to devote to it. Plus, it can establish essential lines of communication with your patients. This type of software can be a valuable investment that pays off — with happier patients and time-saving benefits for staff.

These patient communication platforms help many healthcare providers enhance patient communication, streamline workflows, and deliver a better patient experience.

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1. PerfectServe

PerfectServe lets healthcare professionals communicate with patients through text, voice, and video, making it easier for providers to support patients before, during, and after care. 

Automated functions like appointment confirmations and reminders — as well as follow-up reminders — improve the interactions your practice has with patients and reduce appointment no-shows. Additional tools for provider scheduling, nurse communication, vaccine coordination, telemedicine, and more make PerfectServe a valuable addition to any healthcare practice.


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2. Telmediq

Telmediq is a clinical communication and collaboration platform that integrates patient care for more efficient and cohesive operations. It offers HIPAA-friendly, secure text messaging that lets clinicians collaborate with other team members. 

Providers can use this functionality to handle inbound patient calls, check on patients after hours, and more. Telemediq also helps unify communication and workflows, consolidating IT demands and costs.


3. Jotform

Jotform offers an easy-to-use, HIPAA-friendly survey tool. Practices can send secure engagement surveys to gauge patient satisfaction. Health assessment surveys can help practices get a better understanding of patients’ health and healthcare needs. Jotform even offers COVID-19 tracing surveys and telemedicine patient intake form templates.

The Jotform Health app makes it easy for practices to access their forms that help with HIPAA compliance. Practices can use the app to create a touchless intake experience for patients, assign forms to colleagues, collect electronic signatures, process payments when integrated with a HIPAA-friendly payment processor, and more.

4. Change Healthcare

Change Healthcare is a powerful and comprehensive practice management system that includes everything from patient experience solutions to communication and payment services. 

Features like personalized price quotes, touchless registration and check-in for patients, financial counseling, a virtual front desk, patient intake forms, and more help create transparency while giving patients greater access to the information they need, when they need it. 

This program functions not only as a patient engagement platform, but also helps medical practices save time and streamline their operations across the board.

Change Healthcare
Change Healthcare

5. Relatient

Patient engagement software Relatient helps healthcare providers build strong relationships and lines of communication with patients. 

Features like text message appointment reminders, secure messaging that help with HIPAA compliance, and a self-scheduling and waitlist tool give practices comprehensive control over patient engagement. The self-scheduling tool lets patients schedule appointments online, and the waitlist tool automatically notifies people on the waitlist when an appointment opens up. 

Providers can easily send patients surveys that include links to public review sites. These features can help bolster patient satisfaction, save staff time, and ensure an exceptional patient experience. 



RXNT is cloud-based practice management software that helps simplify workflows, so healthcare providers can spend more time connecting with patients. Features like electronic health record (EHR) management, electronic prescribing, telehealth, and integrated billing schedules help ensure the practice runs smoothly.

RXNT also functions as valuable patient engagement software. Electronic reminders help keep patients up to date about prescription renewals and appointments, and a patient portal lets patients schedule appointments online. 

Online bill pay and access to the Medline health information database further empowers patients. They can even reach out to physicians using secure messaging through the portal, which can help build patient trust and increase patient satisfaction.


Choosing the best patient communication software

Patient communication software will only be a wise investment if you buy the software that’s right for your practice. Before you consider any software, look for HIPAA compliance. All of the above programs are HIPAA-friendly, ensuring that you don’t violate HIPAA rules while using the software.

Beyond that essential feature, consider the functionality you want in your software. You can choose a more basic program that focuses entirely on patient communication, or you can opt for a more comprehensive platform that offers benefits across all areas of your practice, including nurse-to-nurse communication, enhanced billing options, and more.

It’s often best to take a step back and evaluate your current communication methods. What’s working? What isn’t working? What patient complaints do you hear most often, and what would it take to solve those issues? Make a list of your must-have features, and look for software that effectively solves the problems you’re currently facing.

A journalist and digital consultant, John Boitnott has worked for TV, newspapers, radio, and Internet companies for 25 years. He’s written for, Fast Company, NBC, Entrepreneur, USA Today, and Business Insider, among others.

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