How to entice online shoppers with multiple photos and descriptions

How to entice online shoppers with multiple photos and descriptions

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but what are several images and a short description worth?

That depends on what you’re selling.

Jotform’s payment processor integrations enable you to add short descriptions and up to 10 images of the products or services that you’re selling through your online forms. Here’s how to get started.

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Before we updated our Form Builder and payment processor integrations, Jotform users could upload only one image of the product or service they were selling, and it took a few extra steps to add a short description for each one.

After a while, we realized that these limitations were an impediment for Jotform users selling products or services through their online payment forms.

support question that asks how to add multiple images for individual products
support question that asks if there is a way to add description to each item within a purchase

Research has shown that multiple product photos and descriptions aren’t just nice to have anymore — people expect this when they’re checking out your products or services and deciding whether to make a purchase.

A 2019 survey on consumer expectations from e-commerce technology company Salsify found that shoppers across all age groups expect to see five to eight images when they’re looking at an individual product online.

This survey of more than 1,000 U.S. adults who shopped online at least once in 2018, found that the number of expected product images varies by age. The most demanding groups of online shoppers — from the ages of 18 to 24 and 35 to 44 — expect to see at least eight photos for each product.

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These findings, according to Salsify, represent a noticeable increase from 2016, when the same survey discovered that shoppers only expected an average of three images for each product.

The problem, however, is that many online retailers don’t meet these expectations. A Salsify analysis of the most popular products on Amazon in six categories — including fashion, electronics, groceries, and furniture and home goods — found that the top 10 percent provided customers or buyers with an average of just four images.

Jotform can ensure you’re not falling short of your customer’s expectations by enabling you to add a description and multiple images for each item you’re selling.

The best part is that adding a description and multiple images to an order form — or even a registration form — is easy when you use one of our more than 30 integrations with payment processors, including PayPal, Square, Stripe, and Authorize.Net.

description and image settings in the Jotform Form Builder interface

When customers or buyers fill out your form, they can click on individual product images to open a photo gallery that enlarges the image and lets them view any additional images.

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Providing buyers with this information helps you earn their trust so they feel compelled to make a return visit — and refer you to other people.

How to add multiple images and descriptions to your products

  1. Once you’ve selected a payment processor integration and successfully authenticated your account, click on the Payment Settings icon.
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  3. After setting up your preferences for the integration, click on the Continue button to start adding information on the products or services you’re selling through your online form.
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    Important tip!

    Ensure the Clickable Image Preview toggle switch, under the Additional Gateway Settings section, is enabled; otherwise a larger version of the product images cannot be displayed.

  5. In the Payment Settings section that appears, click on the Create New Product button to fill in the details about your product.
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  7. Fill in all of the relevant product information in the Description text box.
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  9. Start uploading images of your product by clicking the Choose Images button. From here, you can manually upload files from your computer or mobile device by clicking on the Upload File button or simply dragging images from your desktop and dropping them into the Upload File field.
  10. The My Images option, meanwhile, allows you to choose photos that you previously uploaded to JotForm. And you can use the Enter URL option to upload multiple images by typing in the URLs for them.

    How to entice online shoppers with multiple photos and descriptions Image-7

    Important tip!

    You can only upload up to 10 photos for a single product, and each image must be no larger than 5 MB. If your uploaded images exceed any of these limits, an error message will ask you to reduce either the number or size of your photos.

    Exceeding the file size limit warning
  11. After uploading all of your product photos, you can use the image gallery that appears to view your photos and rearrange the order.
  12. If you want to remove an uploaded photo, click on it and select the trash can icon that appears.

    You can also change the order of photos in the image gallery by clicking on an image and dragging it to a new spot. Photos will be shown to your customers in the order they appear in the gallery, from left to right. The first photo will serve as the featured image for the product on your form.

    Changing the order of the images
  13. When you’re done, simply click the Save Product button at the bottom of the Product Settings tab.
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  15. When your customers or buyers fill out your form, all they have to do is click on the thumbnail image for a product. Doing this will enlarge the photo and allow them to view additional product images.
  16. Product with the description and images in Jotform Form Builder interface
    How to entice online shoppers with multiple photos and descriptions Image-9


    When people stop by a brick-and-mortar store, they can touch items, examine them, try them on, and compare them to similar items nearby.

    But anyone who purchases a product or service through your online form won’t have the luxury of seeing it in person or trying it out.

    What they will have is the ease of making purchases anywhere on their own time.

    Your job, then, is to create an effortless, second-to-none online shopping experience that provides customers with what they need to make a decision.

    Jotform’s payment forms can help you shape this experience for your buyers. By providing multiple photos and descriptions, you’ll know that your vision of your product or service will match the one that your customers see.

    The race is on to stand out from your competitors, so why not give Jotform a try today and see how we’re making it easy for businesses all over the world to create a great online shopping experience?

Darin is a content marketer who's passionate about disrupting perceptions, solving problems, and helping people be more productive. Outside of the office, he is a rush-hour straphanger, adventure seeker, coffee drinker, and frequent traveler.

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