5 ways Jotform Apps helps your business go mobile

5 ways Jotform Apps helps your business go mobile

It’s no secret that app adoption has been growing in the B2B space for several years. That growth has largely mirrored the pace of a workforce that is more comfortable with digital solutions and almost always has their smartphone handy. It’s been estimated that a staggering 70% of all B2B queries were expected to be on a smartphone by 2020.

While many organizations were already making plans to increase their mobile brand presence  pre-COVID, the global pandemic only hastened the growth of a digital first approach.

Many of us shifted to remote work, fundamentally changing our relationship with how, when and where we complete our tasks. The kind of devices we, and our customers, use to get work done and the methods of how we connect with the business tools in our workflow changed in kind.

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That left many organizations with a need to “go mobile”, but often without the time, resources and/or means to do so.

And yet, the need to increase customer engagement, conveniently accept orders and requests, improve feedback rates and provide updates/news directly to our audience’s devices, persists.

Jotform Apps is the perfect no coding app builder to help you get your organization’s app up and running with ease. It changes how you will send and receive information while helping your business go mobile without the development costs and wait times.

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Pro Tip

Take your business online and build a custom app with Jotform today.

Go Mobile with Jotform Apps

Let’s take a closer look at the five ways your organization (and your customers) will benefit by going mobile with Jotform Apps.

1. 0 code + 0 fees = Your brand’s awesome new app

Building your brand’s mobile presence with Jotform Apps requires no coding experience. With the powerful form features and customization options of the App Builder, you can create beautiful apps that work on desktop, mobile, iOS and Android.

Realistically speaking, at some point you may want to invest the time and dollars into building a professional, proprietary app. But until then, you’ll gain brand recognition within a polished app featuring your logo and brand colors. And we 100% guarantee your app project will be on budget…because it’s free.

2. All-in-one resource hub

Jotform Apps serves as a hub for your data collection needs and a method of communication for the organizational news you want customers to access. Assemble endless forms, images, videos, links, flyers, PDFs and more in one app that you can categorize.

According to Jennifer Curving, an Accounting Manager at a commercial roofing company in Alabama, “Once the app was available we started having the field guys use it more and for everything…the easier we can make it for them the better.”

3. Gain customer loyalty through engagement

An Adobe survey stated that 63% of IT decision-makers mentioned customer loyalty as the primary use case of a B2B mobile app. The path to customer loyalty is engagement, and Jotform Apps helps you engage all of your customers (internal teams too) by offering them a preferred way to interact with your organization.

The global mobile workforce is expected to increase to 1.88 billion by 2023. Gaining data driven insights about your customers, partners and employees is made possible through your app, helping you build loyalty through connectivity.

4. Outpace (or level up with) your competition

When B2B customers are disappointed with a business’ digital experience – or worse, can’t find their digital presence – almost half of them end up purchasing from competitors. By giving your brand a mobile presence with Jotform Apps, you’re giving yourself a chance to compete and keep up with the speed of business.

For many industries, companies need a mobile presence just to keep pace.

For specialized industries, like nonprofit, utilities, real estate and beauty, a mobile app can differentiate you from competitors in the eyes of potential customers. If they don’t have the brand presence you do, they may not inspire the same level of customer trust.

5. Safe and easy communication with team members

The truth is B2B apps have to perform dual responsibilities. One, they must cater to your external customers; and two, they should serve as a collaboration hub for your internal colleagues or knowledge workers.

The three most sought after characteristics of a B2B app by knowledge workers are glitch-free operation, easy communication and strong cybersecurity.

Any updates made to your app in Jotform Apps take effect in real time and don’t need rebuilds or reinstalls, ensuring smooth operation.

Additionally, your app is automatically synced with Jotform Tables, allowing your team to collaborate on incoming and outgoing communications in your own workspace.

On the front end of security, Jotform Apps is semi-gated in that it’s not available on public app stores like Apple’s App Store or the Google Play Store. On the backend, since access to the app is controlled by sharing a link, QR code, or invitation, the security of your mobile business is enhanced.

Also, “company access” – a sharing setting that requires either single sign on or an organization’s email domain to gain access – is a preference you can set within your app.

Learn more about Jotform Apps

Whether you’re an existing Jotform user with many customer oriented forms, or someone new to Jotform and running a small business that needs a mobile solution, Jotform Apps has you covered.

Jotform Apps provides a no-code app builder platform that makes it possible for you to move your workflow to mobile platforms through powerful form features and many customizable options.

Finally, if you’re interested in learning more about how Jotform Apps can help your business go mobile, you can watch our webinar.

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Chris is a Content Marketer and Creator at Jotform with a wealth of experience in online marketing, content marketing and people management. He's a lover of words who believes writing can be a force for positive outcomes both in business and in life. In addition to writing for Jotform, Chris has contributed to software blogs including Hubspot, AWeber and Atlassian. Chris's work has garnered an international industry award (PMA) and was recognized by PerformanceIN for being a top traffic driver in 2017. Chris is passionate about travel, film, design and great food/wine and he writes about them on his site Unsolicitd.com. You can reach Chris through his contact form.

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