What to look for in an HR ticketing system

As businesses grow, so do their HR needs.

When you have more employees, you have more paperwork, more questions, and more requests for assistance. Keeping track of everything can quickly become overwhelming, especially if you’re relying on outdated systems like email and spreadsheets.

That’s where an HR ticketing system can help. This software solution streamlines your HR processes by providing a central location for tracking employee inquiries and requests. In this blog post, we’ll explore how an HR ticketing system can deliver benefits to businesses and why it’s essential for any business looking to improve its HR function.

What is an HR ticketing system?

An HR ticketing system is a software tool that lets employees submit HR-related requests or inquiries for topics such as benefits, payroll, or time off. These requests are organized in a central database, making it easier for HR teams to manage and respond to them.

What does an HR ticketing system do?

An HR ticketing system streamlines and automates HR workflows in a number of ways.

Centralizes HR communication

HR ticketing systems make confusing email chains a thing of the past. All HR-related communication happens through the platform, making it easy for team members to see and respond to messages. Both employees and HR staff can use the messaging system to track the status of requests and get updates where appropriate.

Automates workflows

In some cases, HR teams can set up automated workflows that all but eliminate the need for manual intervention. For instance, an HR ticketing system can send an automated response to certain staff requests and then automatically route the request to the appropriate manager.

Generates insights

Your HR team will likely face the same requests time and again. But HR leaders can only identify ways to improve the department’s efficiency by having an HR ticketing system that centralizes those requests.

What features should an HR ticketing system have?

If you’re looking to implement an HR ticketing system of your own, make sure you consider one with the following features:

Customizable submission request forms

The success of your HR ticketing system will depend on how easy it is for employees to submit a variety of requests. That means it’s vital to find a tool that allows you to customize online forms for your specific needs.

Workflow automation

Workflow automation saves your HR department time and ensures requests get to the appropriate person or team for handling. 

Automation also reduces stress for employees. Research by Zapier finds that 92 percent of knowledge workers believe automation improves their day-to-day working lives by removing monotonous tasks.


It’s not enough to have an HR ticketing system that lets you track requests. HR leaders should also be able to use the tool to optimize internal processes — and that means having reporting and analytics capabilities.

Reporting functionality is one of the features that sets the best HR tech apart, writes Ben DeSpain, head of HR at Cerrowire: “The best HR tech seems to do one of two things: give employees on-demand access to information or provide the company with more efficient analytical tools.”

Integration with other tools

Your HR ticketing system should integrate with other tools such as your customer relationship management (CRM), payroll, and benefits software platforms, ensuring that all employee data is up to date across the company. 

HR systems are a great way to integrate existing tools, says the editorial team at HR Future: “For instance, your company can benefit from an HR ticketing system and CRM data integration because it will extend users’ access to valuable information.”

How can Jotform help businesses set up an HR ticketing system?

If you’re looking for a secure HR ticketing system without an excessive price tag, try Jotform. It’s the perfect combination of an online form creator and a centralized database, meaning you can collect, track, and manage requests with ease.

Start by using one of over 800 HR form templates to create one or more submission request forms or surveys. Then choose one of two dozen HR database templates in Jotform Tables to create a table where you can automatically store and manage requests. Your entire HR team can collaborate on the same table, making request management easy and transparent.

Finally, use the Jotform Report Builder to visualize data from Jotform Tables and generate the insights you need to optimize your HR workflows and make the most of the HR ticketing system you’ve built.

Photo by Anna Shvets

Jotform's Editorial Team is a group of dedicated professionals committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to Jotform blog readers. Our team's expertise spans a wide range of topics, from industry-specific subjects like managing summer camps and educational institutions to essential skills in surveys, data collection methods, and document management. We also provide curated recommendations on the best software tools and resources to help streamline your workflow.

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