Jotform is your online forms solution that enables HIPAA compliance

At Jotform, privacy and security are mission critical because both are vital to you and your organization. That’s why we’ve taken the steps to enable HIPAA compliance.

HIPAA compliance is important for data collection because it keeps personal information protected and secure. It also increases your organization’s credibility and trustworthiness. And who doesn’t appreciate that?

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When you make the leap to enable HIPAA compliance with your forms, you can build and submit forms in the same way as you typically would—the only difference is that the information collected is stored according to HIPAA standards.

The Jotform team is excited to offer forms that enable HIPAA compliance. Read on to learn more about popular use cases for these forms, how HIPAA compliance will help your business, and ways to get started.

Pro Tip

With Jotform’s form builder, you can create forms that enable HIPAA compliance easily.

Patient Registration and Signature Collection

Using paper forms for new patient registration and signing notices of privacy is still a very common practice among healthcare providers. The thing is, paper forms are an inconvenience—they’re long, tedious and prone to error. But now, with online forms that helps you with HIPAA compliance, getting patient registrations and important signatures is better and easier while still being safe and secure.

New patient registration forms that enable HIPAA compliance provide the following benefits:

  • Easier to navigate and produce less errors
  • Streamline check-in process
  • Automate workflow

Online forms streamline new patient registration for both the patient and provider. When a healthcare provider uses online forms, patients can quickly fill in form fields and sign required documents, such as a notice of privacy, their consent, and care authorization. And all of the information entered into a form can be automatically transferred into third-party apps that enable HIPAA compliance, such as Google Drive, Google Sheets, Dropbox, and more. This keeps all of your data in one place and makes it simple for your team to conduct patient searches or prepare for an audit.

Online Payments

From checks to credit cards to Apple Pay, we’ve come a long way in how payments are conducted. According to ACI Worldwide, “Approximately 8.2 billion bills—or 56 percent of all bills—are paid online via a biller, bank or third-party website.” Though over half of the bills in the US are paid online, many healthcare providers still use traditional payment methods—most notably invoices, which are out-of-date and more of a hassle than they are helpful. When you migrate to online forms that enable HIPAA compliance, you’ll have all the privacy and security perks that the forms come with and you’ll also reap other important benefits.

Online payment forms that helps you with HIPAA compliance will:

  • Differentiate your services from competitors
  • Be convenient for patients
  • Get you paid faster

Since many healthcare providers still use traditional invoices, upgrading to an online form that collects payments will differentiate you from competitors that are still using paper. Patients will be grateful for having the option to pay online wherever and whenever they’d like to. And once a patient makes a payment online, it will go directly to you—no more waiting for checks to arrive in the mail or clear. Jotform has more than 20 payment integrations to choose from, such as Square, PayPal, Stripe, and Authorize.Net.

Updating Medical History

Predicting medical issues before they occur helps patients stay healthy and saves lives. Keeping medical history up-to-date is a way to have a record of what’s happened in a patient’s life, look for abnormalities, and make educated guesses about what may happen in the future.

Since medical history has traditionally been documented through paper forms, it’s difficult to get all of the details and have a comprehensive overview of a patient’s medical past without having to do a lot of digging through boxes of files. With online forms that enable HIPAA compliance, providers will be able to overhaul patient medical history from long-winded paper forms that need proper physical storage into a digital archive of organized, easily accessible records.

Medical history forms that enable HIPAA compliance will:

  • Reduce human error
  • Create easily searchable records of symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments
  • Efficiently track and analyze patient history

When a healthcare provider updates medical history using online forms, it reduces human error and handwriting mistakes. Medical history should be updated frequently so that it can be monitored and checked as needed. And proper documentation and tracking of medical history ensure that your patients will get the best care possible.

Medications and Prescription Refill

A huge burden for patients is having to brave the process of getting and refilling prescriptions. Often times, a prescription will be written on a physical slip of paper and handed off to the patient to take to their pharmacy. With forms that help with HIPAA compliance, providers can skip a step and prescribe and refill medications all online.

Medications and prescription refill forms that enable HIPAA compliance will:

  • Automatically send out prescription data
  • Speed up the prescription filling process
  • Make it easier to update and refill accordingly

Moving prescriptions online will save you and your patients time because once the information is entered in a form, it can be automatically transferred to third-party apps that help with HIPAA compliance or pharmacies. Because this process is automated and patients have to do less themselves, they’re happier and more likely to be a return patient.

Real-life HIPAA Use Case

Mary Anne Etheridge is a licensed psychologist and owner of Etheridge Psychology in Cary, NC. She said,

Jotform has a fantastic interface that is easy to use, and the forms are very customizable to fit your needs. I’m excited about Jotform’s recent announcement that they are offering an option that enables HIPAA compliance that healthcare professionals can use. Having a secure online platform for patient intake forms and questionnaires provides patients with the convenience of completing forms ahead of time without having to print them or create an account.

Getting Started

We hope this introduction helped you see how the transition to online forms will benefit healthcare providers. Let us know how you use online forms that enable HIPAA compliance in the comments below.


Annabel is a former Director of Communications at Jotform. She's passionate about writing and has worked in communications roles domestically and internationally. When she's not blogging about SaaS or online forms, she enjoys international travel, loud concerts, and artisan coffee.

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