How to notify your team when a new response is submitted

How to notify your team when a new response is submitted

There’s nothing quite like hearing back from people after asking them for something you really need.

But what if you need to share that information with multiple people, such as contractors, partners, and colleagues, so they can take action?

You could forward the notification email that’s automatically sent when someone submits a completed form, but that can take time and easily fall off the radar if you’re juggling multiple tasks or working on the go.

Jotform makes it easy to automatically email copies of completed forms or submitted form data to multiple people.

All you have to do is create a notification, determine which form information to share with specific people, and design the notification email to your liking.

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Then, enter the email addresses of the people who should receive your customized notification email. That’s it!

If you want to share certain form information with only certain people, you can create another notification email.

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Just so you know…

The multiple email recipients feature is available only for Jotform users with paid plans. This handy feature allows you to automatically send a notification to a maximum of 10 email addresses. If you want to send copies of completed forms or submitted form information to more than 10 email addresses, you can do so by creating a second notification email.

How Jones Soda creates seamless internal workflows

Almost everything that makes Jones Soda unique comes from the company’s faithful and talented customers, including the photos on Jones Soda bottle labels. Even the maxims under each of the bottle caps and the brand’s unique flavor combinations are inspired by ideas that people share with Jones Soda.

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Since images submitted by customers may be used for commercial purposes, Jones Soda gets a signed model release form from anyone who appears in a photo.

Rather than sending customers a PDF file that must be printed, filled out, and mailed or faxed back, Jones Soda uses Jotform to create customized model release forms. Once customers complete the form, Jotform’s notification feature automatically shares submitted form information with Smith and one other employee for safekeeping.

“Jotform was the first and only thing that solved my problem,” Jones Soda’s e-commerce manager, Cassie Smith, told Jotform last year during a visit to the company’s headquarters in Seattle.

“It’s a really effective flow, and I’m so happy that we removed the old way,” she said.

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How Repair Pricer generates leads and follows up

Buying a home is a major investment.

That’s why Repair Pricer empowers buyers and real estate professionals with the information they need to secure a fair price for the right home.

The proptech startup does this by using a proprietary software tool to generate repair estimates based on home inspection reports that are uploaded through their website.

Apart from the home buyers and real estate professionals who glean important insights on properties up for sale, home inspectors also work with the company as customers by reselling the software solution’s services.

Repair Pricer leans on Jotform to generate leads from home inspectors, Realtors, real estate brokers, real estate investors, and anyone else who wants to resell the company’s innovative product.

Once someone fills out and submits the lead generation form, the information is automatically sent to Repair Pricer’s executives so they can respond quickly.

“When we started using Jotform years ago, we were getting a high number of (form) submissions,” Repair Pricer CEO Christian Adams told Jotform in 2019.

“I was generating leads way cheaper than I had before,” he recalled.

How IMRecruitable connects athletes with college coaches

As a former college tennis player at Jacksonville University and Western New Mexico University, Tarek Merchant knows how important and difficult it can be for talented student athletes to get noticed by college coaches.

Merchant, the founder and CEO of IMRecruitable, now makes it his full-time job to help high-school student athletes navigate their way through the college recruitment process. Part of his strategy includes hosting showcases, where students display their skills and college coaches can keep an eye out for potential prospects.

Well before each showcase takes place, Merchant tries to get an idea of which coaches will attend by asking them to fill out an event registration form through JotForm.

After coaches fill out and submit the form, their responses are sent as email notifications to Merchant and another IMRecruitable administrator so they can quickly make arrangements or adjustments to their plans.


Waiting for information to arrive is a lot like getting stuck in traffic during your rush hour commute, when you’re forced to wait, then inch closer to your destination until the bottleneck clears.

Jotform’s multiple email recipients feature relieves the bottleneck in your workflow by allowing you to send notifications with the information teams need to tackle their tasks. It also saves you from creating the same notification over and over again so you can send it to multiple people.

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If you’re on one of our paid plans, give our multiple email recipients feature a try today, and see how we’re helping teams all around the world get work done faster.

Darin is a content marketer who's passionate about disrupting perceptions, solving problems, and helping people be more productive. Outside of the office, he is a rush-hour straphanger, adventure seeker, coffee drinker, and frequent traveler.

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