Tips for Creating an Effective Order Form

Tips for Creating an Effective Order Form

Every day, thousands of Jotform users depend on online forms to sell their company’s goods or services. That’s because, with Jotform, it’s incredibly easy to turn any old form into a money-maker — no magic wands or fairy dust required.

The best part is that you don’t need an expensive e-commerce platform to sell online; you just need the right form builder and a little know-how. Below, we’ve put together some of our favorite advice for creating an awesome order form.

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Pick the right payment processor

Jotform allows you to choose from a host of different payment processor options so that your online forms guide customer money directly into your bank account. Take your pick from, Braintree, eCheck.NetOneBip, PayPal, Stripe, WorldPay, or 2CheckOut — all of which integrate painlessly in just a couple of minutes.

Include your logo and pictures

People need to trust you if they’re going to buy from you. Uploading your logo to a form is an easy process (check out this quick guide to see how), and can immediately boost your form’s professional appearance and trustworthiness.

Images in general can provide a big boost to form conversion rates. We did a study at Jotform and found that including images boosted form conversions by 80 percent. And more conversions for an order form means more money for your business.

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Embed the form straight onto your website

There might be times where it’s better to use an order form as a standalone link (sending out via social media or email). But embedding the form onto your website is a great way to unleash your order form’s full potential! This way, you’re not missing opportunities from all of your site’s visitors. Setting up website orders is easy. When you go to publish your form, just copy and paste the embed code instead of copying the link. Then simply paste it into your website’s code where you want it.

Customize your ‘Thank You’ page

The default text on your ‘Thank You’ page after someone submits a form is just that — a default. Spruce it up with your brand’s unique voice, and create messaging that shows appreciation for the purchase your customer just made. This is also a good place to include a sentence or two about what happens next, such as a timeline of when they can expect what they ordered. You can also use this page to give confirmation of the purchase.

You won’t believe how easy it is to set up Jotform to collect orders for your business. Check out these resources to get started:

Does your organization sell online using Jotform? Let us know in the comments!

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Chad is a former VP of Marketing and Communications at Jotform. He’s also a frequent contributor to various tech and business publications, and an absolute wizard with a Vitamix. He holds a master’s degree in communication and resides with his wife and cats in Oakland, California.

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