We have a PayPal business account.

  • Predeep Punnoose
    Asked on October 25, 2020 at 11:31 AM

    We have a PayPal business account. How we will set up a standing instruction from PayPal account to our Bank account

  • KrisLei Jotform Support
    Replied on October 25, 2020 at 2:49 PM

    Hello Predeep,

    How we will set up a standing instruction from PayPal account to our Bank account

    To clarify, you would like to accept Direct Debit or Standing order payment methods? If it is, unfortunately, direct debit is not available at the moment. You may try using PayPal by linking your bank account to it. However, we are not sure if this will work and you may be required to verify with PayPal to confirm.

    However, I assumed that you are referring to this form, 202865730892059, correct? If it is, you can add the Paypal Business or Paypal checkout by clicking on the Add Payment Integration icon next to the Product List field on your form:

    1603651368 5f95c728ef4e9  Screenshot 10

    For reference: https://www.jotform.com/blog/introducing-product-list-form-field/

    Then use the popup menu to select the payment processor integration you’d like to use. After you’ve picked a payment processor integration, click Use Selection. 

    Let us know if you need further assistance or if I have misunderstood your query by any chance.