Multiple payment processors within a single form

  • YuRick
    Asked on October 15, 2020 at 9:57 AM

    Hello JotForm,

    Are you ever going to provide a solution to at least let the main from pass all the details out to the 2nd forms in the iframe so when a payment has been made, an invoice with paper order details can be sent out to the buyer?

  • Jovanne JotForm Support
    Replied on October 15, 2020 at 11:38 AM

    Hi, thank you for contacting JotForm support.

    Do you mean to pass the form data including the payment details from one form to another? Unfortunately, it is not possible to pass the payment details as these data are being handled by our payment processor and encrypted during submission.

    You can only pass form data via URL parameters using the regular fields.

    I hope this will help. Let us know if you have further questions.

  • YuRick
    Replied on October 15, 2020 at 11:27 PM

    Thank you Jovanne_A for your support tip.

    No, my problem is that if i use the main form to contain a 2nd & 3rd or even 4th form for different payments, the submitted information (contact information...etc) are not being consolidated with the payment and invoices together as if I'm just doing 1 form with 1 payment method. Also, the invoice numbers are not the same even though this is from the same order.

    Any work-arounds on this? I really like the JotForm but these are show stopping factors for us. Thank you

  • Vanessa_T
    Replied on October 16, 2020 at 4:02 AM

    Unfortunately, it is not at all possible to add multiple payment processors within the same form and also submitted data are saved per form and are independent from other forms.

    Given that, you can instead clone your main form which contains all the data needed then just replace the payment processor on each form. Then on the main form will just be a selection of what's their preferred mode of payment.


    However, with the suggestion above, unfortunately, the invoice numbers will indeed be not correlated since as mentioned submissions are independent per form.