The form gives us very usefull information to collet from the field its

  • vir parkash
    Asked on December 5, 2019 at 9:14 PM

    The form gives us very usefull information to collet from the field itself.
    However if some gues have filled the jot form and entries are listed into the google sheet.and on the other side if I have already a data into the excel sheet and I wanted to update the same also in same response sheet, and the same validation which I have set while creating Jot Form wants to apply in the whole data which I have inserted at one go in the response sheet without entering anything into Jot Form, Not finding any solution on this

  • AndrewHag
    Replied on December 6, 2019 at 4:04 AM

    I am not sure I understood your requirements correctly. Could you please provide more information so we can assist you better?

    Do you mean to say that you wish to push the data you have in the excel sheet to the integrated google sheet?

    If yes, unfortunately, it is not possible to achieve that from our end. However, you can combine multiple google sheets into one.

    Please provide more information if I misunderstood your requirements.