Need options to create quiz/form with real-time visual results that can be shown on presentation screen

  • averittmarketing
    Asked on September 18, 2024 at 10:12 AM

    Jotform team,

    Need some thoughts on how to create a solution. Here's the scenario:

    Our field sales teams conduct about 100 lunch or dinner meetings with customers per year. Each event has approximately 30-40 customers in attendance.

    We would like to post a QR code that links to a Jotform for the customers to answer live questions,
    and the collective results would be visible in real-time, on the screen for the presenter to discuss and react to in real-time.

    Then, the presenter would move on to the next question and continue with real-time interactive discussions based on the responses.

    What is the best solution to have these real-time answers show on a screen behind the presenter AND (this is key)

    we will also want a report about the cumulative results and answers for each customer after the meeting for follow-up.

    Any assistance or examples would be helpful. Thanks!

  • Mary Eden JotForm Support
    Replied on September 18, 2024 at 11:07 AM

    Hello Averitt Marketing,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. If it's okay with you to let other people view each other submissions, you can let the presenter view the Jotform Tables and Jotform Inbox of that said form. For as long as the presenter can collaborate with you and access it, he can be able to view the submissions there in real time. Let me show you how to share your Jotform Tables and Jotform Inbox:

    1. We have a Share button on the right side of the Jotform Tables page that you can use to share your Tables page with others. 

    a. On the Jotform Tables page, click on the Share button on the top-right side of the page.

    b. Click on Share Settings and set your Table’s privacy options. It is set to Private Table as default, so only the people you invite will be able to see your Tables. You can also set the default role of the invitation link as either Read-Only, Commenter, or Collaborator. Let me explain the difference between those:

    • Read Only means that only people you invite will be able to see your Tables.
    • Commenter means that the people you invite will be able to view data and add comments.
    • Collaborator means that anyone you invite will be able to see and edit the data, but they won't be able to adjust or change the table settings.

    c. Now, click on Go back in the top-right corner of the panel and use the Generated Link or the Invite by Email feature to invite people.

    Need options to create quiz/form with real time visual results that can be shown on presentation screen Image 1 Screenshot 40

    2. You can also revoke the invite you sent to the people easily. Let me show you how:

    a. In your Tables, click on the Share button to open Share Table.

    b. Now, click on the avatars/icons of the people you invited next to the Shared with section.

    c. Select the users that you want to revoke the access to by checking the boxes on the left, and click on Revoke.

    d. Then, click on the Yes, Delete. That’s it, you’re done.

    Need options to create quiz/form with real time visual results that can be shown on presentation screen Image 2 Screenshot 51

    3. Your submissions can also be accessed in the Jotform Inbox. Let me show you where it's found:

    a. In Jotform Inbox, click on the Share button on the top-right side of the page.

    b. In the Share This Inbox window, click on Settings.

    c. Scroll down the list, click on Collaborator in the Permissions section, and then click on Go Back.

    d. In the Share This Inbox window, click on Create Link to share your Inbox page by sending the link, or use the Invite By Email option.

    Need options to create quiz/form with real time visual results that can be shown on presentation screen Image 3 Screenshot 62

    We also have a guide about How to Share Your Submission Tables with Jotform Tables and Collaborate and How to Share Your Form Inbox that you can check out. I answered your other questions on new threads. You can go ahead and check them below:

    Thanks for your patience and understanding, we appreciate it.

  • averittmarketing
    Replied on September 18, 2024 at 2:11 PM

    Thanks for the suggestion.

    I was thinking of more like a "live results chart" or graph of some kind.

    Imagine the presenter saying "Okay, customers, now everyone answer the first quiz question and let's look at the results..." and then turning around to the screen and seeing a real-time graph or chart showing the cumulative answers from customers about the Quiz or Survey question, discussing it, and then moving on to a 2nd question and conducting it similarly.

    Something that would be very interactive, where the customers could answer the questions on their phones, and the results would display in real-time on the presenter's screen in a very visual chart or graph.

  • Ronald JotForm Support
    Replied on September 18, 2024 at 2:41 PM

    Hello Averitt Marketing,

    Unfortunately, this feature is not currently present at Jotform. However, you're welcome to work with a third party who may be able to help you. You can check out our Jotform Solutions Partner Directory for a list of consultants who've asked to be included. 

    You can get in touch with the right Solutions Partner for you by sorting them by location, type of service, industry, language support, or partner tier. Just fill out the contact form for the Jotform partner you'd like to work with, so they can make the necessary preparations to help you.

    Keep in mind, though, that these parties operate independently of Jotform, so we assume no responsibility or liability for their work or their actions. 

    We hope you find the help you're looking for.

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