Animal Shelter Form & PDF Templates

Improve your animal shelter by using Jotform to accept adoption fees, process volunteer applications & fill out intake forms. Check out our collection of templates today!


Foster Application Form

A Foster Application Form is a versatile form template designed to streamline the process of collecting applicant information and assessing the suitability of potential foster caregivers for animals

Rescue Dog Adoption Application

Dog adoption questionnaire template, that helps to rescue pets in finding them families by collecting applicants' personal and household details, pet experience, desired pet and the conditions they are willing to provide.

Volunteer Animal Rescue Application Form

This animal rescue volunteer application form can be used to accept applications from those who are willing to volunteer or work in the animal rescue group. Those who have affections for animals can easily join your group in just a matter of seconds by filling out this animal shelter volunteer application. Animal rescue forms basically ask questions like personal information, animal rescue experience, health condition, your willingness to volunteer and etc. If you are working on an animal welfare group or organization and are looking for volunteers, this animal shelter volunteer application template is designed for this purpose.

Dog Adoption Application

The Dog Adoption Application Form allows you to find a family for your dog through gathering household details, contact information, vet references, pet experience which also works as a contract for both parties.

Pet Rescue Adoption Application Form

Animal shelters and rescues can gather pet adoption applications online with this free Pet Rescue Adoption Application Form. Customize and embed in seconds!

Puppy Adoption Form

A puppy adoption form is used by dog shelters to help control the process of adopting a dog to a new owner. Use the Puppy Adoption Form template to collect important information about potential owners. No coding.

Emotional Support Animal Form

An emotional support animal form is a document that lets people who have a mental disability keep their pet dog or cat in their apartment or home. No coding!

Dog Temperament Questionnaire Form

A dog temperament evaluation questionnaire that provides all necessary details regarding the dog's health, socialization, and behavior that can be used by animal shelters, owners or animal rescue organizations.

Cat Adoption Form

A cat adoption application form is used by shelters and societies to place dogs and cats with new owners.

Puppy Application Form

A puppy application form is used by dog breeders/kennels to gather information from potential pet owners.

Animal Adoption Application ARP

General animal adoption form. Quick, fast and thorough.

Adoption Agreement Form

An agreement and consent form regarding pet adoption coming along with a detailed list of agreement terms and fields for the submitter to provide their consent.

Foster Application For Dogs

A foster application for dogs is a form distributed by animal rescue organizations to find potential fosters for dogs in need of a home.

Pet Adoption Application Form

A Pet Adoption Application Form is a form template designed to collect personal and contact details from potential pet adopters.

Dog Surrender Form

A dog surrender form is often used by animal shelters or rescue groups to secure the release of a dog or cat.

Puppy Contract Form

A Puppy Contract Form is an example of a legal document that buyers and sellers can use to define any terms of their puppy purchase and sale.

Dog Bio Update Form

A dog bio update is a form designed to collect information on aspects of a specific dog and update details on dog behavior and personality for website listings.

Dog Ownership Application Form

A dog ownership application is used for animal shelters to collect information about potential pet owners. No coding!

Lost And Found Pet Form

Pets are like humans, they need someone who takes care of them. This found dog template will be a big help for tracking down lost and found pet. Everyone can use this lost and found form for finding and retrieving pets. The users can specify their reporting reason. This lost and found form template includes date lost/found, type of pet, breed of pet, city, street, pet's name, gender, color, age of pet, size of pet, contact name, contact phone, contact email. The users can upload pictures of the pets. This lost pet template helps the pets return to their homes.

Cat Adoption Application

A cat adoption application form is used by animal shelters to collect information from potential adopters. Whether you’re adopting a cat or opening an animal shelter for homeless cats, use our free Cat Adoption Application Form to collect contact information for potential adopters!

SPCA Adoption Contract

An SPCA Adoption Contract is a form template designed to outline the terms and conditions of animal adoption, ensuring that the adopted animal receives proper care and is placed in a responsible and loving home.

Pet Rescue Application Form

A detailed pet rescue application form that gathers all necessary information of the applicants.

Blackjack Animal Rescue Online Application Form

A blackjack animal rescue online application form is used to collect basic information from potential adopters. Collect information online!

Pet Rescue Volunteer Application Form

Register new volunteers for your animal rescue. Collect volunteer applications online for free. Easy to customize, embed, or integrate with your timesheets.

Animal Shelter PDF Templates

From adoption certificates to surrender requests, our free PDF templates can easily be customized to meet your shelter's needs with our PDF Editor. When pet owners and animal lovers fill out your online form, your personalized PDF template will automatically convert their information into professional PDFs you can easily share, print, and access on any device.


Transfer of Pet Ownership Template

This template contains the basic information you need for transferring ownership of your pet. Information such as the name of the present owner, the name of the new owner, animal or pet description and terms of the agreement. You can easily edit this information, remove or add more if you need to. It will also allow you to add images or logos for customization.

Free Pet Adoption Certificate Template

This Free Pet Adoption Certificate Sample has the name of the adopter, name of the pet, date, and signature. You can print this Pet Adoption Certificate Template and give it to the adopter.

Pet Adoption Contract Template

Easily generate documents for pet adoptions online. No messy paperwork required. Easy to customize and share. Save time with workflow automation.

Animal Shelter Intake Form Template

Improve your animal receiving process by using this Animal Shelter Intake Form Template in your animal shelter. This straightforward template shows all the necessary information when receiving an animal.

Animal Shelter Cage Card Template

Use this free Animal Shelter Cage Card Template to quickly make cage cards for animals in your animal shelter or rescue. Easy drag-and-drop customization.

Pet Adoption Letter Template

Create a standard pet adoption letter for your pet rescue center. Signable on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. Drag and drop to design. Converts to PDF.

Pet Adoption Agreement Template

Fill out pet adoption agreements on any device. No more messy paper forms. Great for animal shelters. Collect contact details, signatures, and more.

Animal Surrender Template

Create an animal surrender form for your shelter. Easily customized. Works on any device — iOS and Android friendly. Collect signatures. No coding.

Foster Application Template

Create a form to match your shelter’s animals with the best foster parents. Easily customizable. Download as a PDF. Android and iOS compatible.

Pet Adoption Application Template

Create a pet adoption application for your shelter or organization. Works on all devices — iOS and Android friendly. E-sign in seconds. Converts to PDF.

Pet Therapy Consent Form

Collect pet therapy consent forms. Easy online e-sign process. Works on all devices. Drag and drop to customize. Electronic signatures.

Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement

Create a signed volunteer confidentiality agreement in seconds. Easy to customize and share. Save as a PDF. No coding knowledge required. Works on any device.

Animal Shelter Volunteer Application Template

Get accepted as a volunteer in an animal clinic by using this astonishing Animal Shelter Volunteer Application Template. This template will surely increase the chances of you getting accepted.

Foster Agreement

Generate foster agreements for your animal shelter. Free and easy to customize. Share, fill out, and sign on any device. Converts to PDF automatically.

RH Companion Animal Adoption Agreement

Dog Puppy Bill of Sale

Create a bill of sale for your dogs or puppies with Jotform Sign. Works on mobile, tablet, and desktop devices. Easy to share and e-sign in seconds.

Puppy Deposit Contract

Create a puppy deposit payment contract for free with Jotform Sign. Works on all device types. Drag and drop to customize. Share and embed seamlessly.

Pet Doctor Boarding


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Puppy Sale Contract

Create a foolproof puppy sale contract to send to buyers. Collect signatures instantly from any device. Free and fully customizable to your needs. No coding.



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Pet Microchip Certificate